New December 20, 2023

Set Data Retention Policy for your documents within Data Inbox

Alkymi customers can set a data retention policy for their individual Data Inbox tenants, detailing how long documents should be kept in Alkymi’s system following archiving. This feature enables us to support our clients’ data retention and data policy requirements, specifically where clients require documents be completely purged from Data Inbox after a client-specified day count.

Documents that have been archived in Data Inbox will be deleted after the number of days specified in the site configuration or can be deleted permanently manually from the “Archived” folder. The deletion period is displayed as a banner on the “Archived” page.

Key Features:

  • allows users to bulk select ALL documents across all pages of Data Inbox, instead of the maximum 50 documents that appear on one page, to delete, reprocess, or export all documents.
  • documents that are “removed” will be moved to a folder in Data Inbox now called "Archived.”
  • Allows clients to manually delete documents forever from Archived.
  • Allows Alkymi to set number of days that a document should be auto-deleted.
  • Alkymi can create a report to send to clients with details around documents that have already been deleted.

Any user can review the “Data Retention” page within Settings in order to verify if automatic deletion is action and the number of days after which a document will be deleted. While this feature is now available in all tenants, the default setting for each tenant for automatic deletion is “OFF,” unless the site configuration is updated.

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