Update October 10, 2024

Streamline data organization with Auto-Tagging

Finding the data you need and organizing your incoming documents is now even easier with Auto-Tagging, a new enhancement for our Document Tags feature, available to all Alkymi users.

Auto-Tagging automatically generates and manages tags for your incoming documents in Data Inbox. Here’s how it works:

  • Seamless tag creation: Tags are generated automatically based on specific field values. For example, if a document’s “Fund Name” field contains the extracted value “ABC Company,” Auto-Tagging will create and assign the tag “ABC Company” automatically, reducing the need to manually create and update individual tags.
  • No duplicate efforts: If that tag already exists, it will associate the tag with the document, removing the need for Alkymi users to manually create or manage duplicate tags.
  • Dynamic tag updates: When field values are edited or re-extracted (e.g., changing from “ABC Company” to “XYZ Corp.“), Auto-Tagging will automatically update the document’s tag—keeping your data consistent and accurate.

Alkymi will configure Auto-Tagging on behalf of our customers based on their specific needs. Please reach out to your Alkymi contact with questions.

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