
From abstract to reality: how to integrate AI into your workflows

Strategies for finding the best fit for AI in your firm

As the hype around AI has grown, having an AI strategy as part of your business plan has become a requirement for many financial services firms. AI committees and generative AI pilots are becoming commonplace, but progress can be slow when it comes to seeing results in your lines of business and day-to-day workflows.

To successfully utilize AI and see its benefits, you need to focus on where AI can excel in your firm right now, not in the future. In this guide, we provide an overview of how you can integrate AI into your firm and see measurable results, without the need for a data science team or a full strategic plan for AI.

This guide includes:

  • AI: What is the hype and what is reality
  • How AI can excel in financial services
  • What to evaluate in AI-powered software
  • Measuring return on investment
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